Upcoming Performance
I will be returning to Vicky’s of Santa Fe in Indian Wells, CA on Monday, January 18, 2016 from 7-9 pm for a performance of my original songs and a few selections from my first three albums written by some of my favorite composers. I have some new unrecorded material I have composed recently which I will perform as well, so if you will be in the California area, I hope you will join me and a killer band for an outstanding night of music.
Here are the details:
The Linda Tate Geography Quintet
Linda Tate, Vocals
David Ring, Piano
Bill Saitta, Bass
Jay Lewis, Drums
Shelley Yoelin, Tenor Sax, Flute, Clarinet
Monday, January 18, 2016 – 7 – 9 pm
Vicky’s of Santa Fe
45-100 Club Drive
Indian Wells, CA 92210
(760) 345-9770
Upcoming Performance
I will be returning to Vicky’s of Santa Fe in Indian Wells, CA on Monday, January 19, 2015 from 7-9 pm for a performance of my original songs and a few selections from my first three albums written by some of my favorite composers. I have some new unrecorded material I have composed recently which I will perform as well, so if you will be in the California area, I hope you will join me and a killer band for an outstanding night of music.
Here are the details:
The Linda Tate Geography Quintet
Linda Tate, Vocals
David Ring, Piano
Bill Saitta, Bass
Jay Lewis, Drums
Shelley Yoelin, Tenor Sax, Flute, Clarinet
Monday, January 19, 2015 – 7 – 9 pm
Vicky’s of Santa Fe
45-100 Club Drive
Indian Wells, CA 92210
(760) 345-9770
Great Write-Up for Upcoming Show!
I am thrilled to share this wonderful write-up about my upcoming show this Friday, June 20th at the Open Door Rep in Oak Park, IL. A huge thank you to Grammy Award-winning jazz journalist, Neil Tesser, for helping to promote the event! If you’re in the Chicago area, be sure to come out and join me and my incredible band for a musical night out and then come back on Saturday to hear Lise Gilly and Grupo Cha-Cha. We are performing in the Women In Jazz Series produced by True Muse Productions and Linda Solotaire.
Click here to read the story!
Concert at the Open Door Rep
I will be performing in concert as part of the Women In Jazz Series at the Open Door Rep in Oak Park, IL. It’s an intimate venue designed for listening and I’m thrilled to be part of the series. If you’re in the Chicago area, come on out and bring a friend to hear the Linda Tate Geography Quintet perform the original songs from my new album and more I’ve written over the last year.
Friday, June 20th at 8 pm
Open Door Rep
902 South Ridgeland
Oak Park, IL 60304
The Linda Tate Geography Quintet
Linda Tate, Vocals
Bobby Schiff, Piano
Marlene Rosenberg, Bass
Jim Widlowski, Drums and Percussion
Steve Eisen, Tenor Sax and Flute
Tickets are $15 & $18
Click here to get your tickets.
Click here to join the Facebook Event.
2014 ASCAP Expo
I attended the 2014 ASCAP Expo in Los Angeles, CA this year from April 23 – 26. Thanks to a professional development grant from the Illinois Arts Council, I had an unparallelled opportunity to participate and learn in a creative environment shared by aspiring and established songwriters and a wide range of other music professionals. Organized by the American Society of Composers Authors and Publishers, it is billed as “The Premier Conference for Songwriters, Composers and Producers.” It lived up to the billing. It was an incredible gathering of approximately 800 attendees, 230 panelists from every facet of the music business, and 56 sponsors and exhibits of music software, hardware, and educational programs. All housed at the Lowe’s Hollywood Hotel. There were networking events, interactive workshops, keynote speeches and conversations among music industry legends, master seminars, creative panels, concerts, one-on-one sessions, and lunch roundtables. The choices were overwhelming and it was hard to decide what to take in. Fortunately, all of the over 40 panels were recorded and the over 60 hours of content have been made available for viewing until the end of 2014. It’s going to take me that long to get through everything! I met some very interesting songwriters and heard some informative speakers as I attended various panels and workshops on topics such as music publishing and film music. On the final day, I had the opportunity to connect in a one-on-one session with Beth Amy Rosenblatt, a film music supervisor and producer with an impressive resume. You can check out the event here:
The ASCAP “I Create Music” EXPO
This program was partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council, a state agency.
Here are some photos from the event:
- Live Panel of Music Supervisors
- Music Supervisor Panel
- Happy Songwriters
- Lowe’s Hollywood Hotel
- Expo Badge
- Music Publisher Panel
WHPK Radio Interview
Please tune in to WHPK radio tomorrow, Saturday July 6th at 1 pm CDT, where I will be joining Mark Coulter on Marcus Burks’ show “Eavesdropping with Urban Aspirations” to talk about my new album and the Chicago CD Release Event at Katerina’s on Saturday, July 20th.
Listen in on WHPK 88.5FM Chicago, or streaming live at WHPK noon to 2 pm CDT. “There’s no telling what you might overhear!”
Chicago CD Release Event
Join me to celebrate the release of Geography, my new album of original songs!
Featuring the Linda Tate Geography Quintet
Linda Tate, Vocals
Bobby Schiff, Piano
Larry Gray, Bass and Cello
Ernie Adams, Drums and Percussion
Jerry DiMuzio, Tenor Sax and Flute
Katerina’s – An Eclectic Club with its Soul in the Arts
1920 West Irving Park Road
Chicago, IL 60613
Saturday, July 20, 2013
6:30 – 9:00 pm
$10 Cover
Reservations recommended
Buy an album and help a child learn to read!
100% of album sales on July 20, 2013 will be donated to Reading In Motion, a stellar Chicago non-profit organization which uses the arts to teach at-risk primary grade students how to read.
Geography CD Release Event at Vicky’s of Santa Fe
Thank you to Lola Rossi-Meza for featuring me in her column in a recent issue of the Coachella Valley Weekly. Thank you also to Dee Jae Cox for her write up in the Desert Entertainer. Read all about it below and come out to my CD Release Party at Vicky’s of Santa Fe tomorrow night! I’ll be performing with a great local band featuring Bill Saitta on bass, David Ring on piano, Andy Fraga on drums and percussion, and Paul Carman on sax and flute.
Linda Tate Coachella Valley Weekly 012413
Linda Tate Desert Entertainer 012413
Celebrating Geography All Year
I am celebrating the release of Geography, my new album of original songs, at several events throughout the year. I began on September 22nd at the Cellar Wine & Martini Bar in Waterloo, Iowa performing with a great trio of jazz musicians led by pianist, Bob Washut with Joel Conrad on bass and Dennis Johnson on drums. Thanks to everyone who came out to the party!
My California CD Release Party will be at Vicky’s of Santa Fe. I will be accompanied by the Bill Saitta Quartet featuring Bill Saitta on bass, Andy Fraga on drums, David Ring on piano, and Paul Carman on tenor saxophone and flute. Vicky’s is a very fine restaurant and bar with a separate listening room for music. Come on out for a great night of music!
Linda Tate – Geography CD Release Event
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 – 7 pm
One show at 7:30 pm
Vicky’s of Santa Fe
45-100 Club Drive
Indian Wells, CA 92210
$10 Cover
I am planning some events for Chicago during the summer and I’ll keep you posted!