Make A Difference With Music
Help Linda Sell 100,000 CDs and Raise $1,500,000 for charity.
This is a big dream and I need your help.
Beginning in January of 2003, my goal is to sell 100,000 CDs at
$15 apiece and raise $1,500,000 for charity. Currently, I have
three CDs available for purchase: We Belong
Together, Southport
1996; Time, Seasons and the Moon,
Southport 2000; and We Speak Duke, Southport
I will donate the CDs I would normally sell myself and any money
collected from their sale to Educational World Charities,
a Chicago-based 501(c)(3) corporation. You can purchase your CDs
from this non-profit
organization directly or from me in person, at my concerts and
on my website. In December of each year, beginning in 2003, Educational
World Charities will donate $5 from the sale of each CD sold that
year to one of the following Chicago area charities or to a 501(c)(3)
organization of your choice. When a CD is purchased,
the buyer will be asked to select where his/her donation should
be applied. If no selection is made, the donation will be divided
equally among the listed charities.
Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center
Since 1972, Aunt Martha’s Youth Service Center has been like
a caring relative to whom children, youth and families can turn
to for support, guidance and healing. Serving 16,000 people annually
in Chicago and the collar counties, Aunt Martha’s is committed
to building safe communities, healthy families, responsible teens
and thriving children.
Lawyers' Committee for Better Housing
Founded in 1980, Lawyers' Committee for Better Housing believes
that all persons have a right to safe, decent, and affordable
housing on a non-discriminatory basis. LCBH promotes the
availability of and access to such housing and supports low and
moderate-income households in Chicago through legal representation,
individual and public advocacy, supportive social services and
Mercy Housing Lakefront
Evolving from a small Chicago north side neighborhood organization in 1985,
Mercy Housing Lakefront is committed to ending homelessness as a matter of
social justice. As part of a national organization, it advocates for and provides quality
permanent supportive housing for adults and families in Illinois
and Wisconsin who are
homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless.
Thresholds is the nation’s premier psychiatric recovery center.
Since 1959 Thresholds has been a recognized leader and pioneer
opening the doors of opportunity to people with mental illness.
It has helped thousands of individuals with mental illness live
with dignity and independence.
Reading In Motion
Reading In Motion, formerly known as Whirlwind, was founded in
1983 and partners with teachers to improve urban children’s
language arts and learning skills through the arts. All of Reading
In Motion’s programs are centered around two successful curricula
which have been proven effective in improving a child’s ability
to read.
About Educational World Charities
Educational World Charities was founded in 1999 by my husband,
Michael D. Lewis, and me. We wanted to find a way to support organizations
engaged in providing prevention services and thus assist in the
empowerment of men, women and children not only in our community
but throughout the world.
The remainder of the money from the sale of the CDs will be used
by Educational World Charities to further its mission which is
to be "partners in prevention." Our organization will
sponsor the production, sale and distribution of the CDs, make
direct grants to agencies and sponsor events designed to raise
awareness for issues relating to mental and physical health concerns
and the welfare and education of children. The outcome of the prevention
of homelessness, hunger, injustice, lack of access to adequate
healthcare and education is the empowerment of each individual
to express his or her talent and make a contribution to our world.
Together we can make this dream a reality. Please share this idea
with anyone you feel may be interested in participating. Bring
beautiful music into your life and the lives of friends and loved
ones and at the same time do something which benefits our society.
We live in community and in order to sustain our community it is
up to each of us to contribute what we can. Mother Teresa spoke
these life changing words: “We can do no great things, only
small things with great love.”
Please check out my music in the Sounds & CDs section of this
website. On the Buy CDs page you can order CDs online or with a
downloadable order form.
Thank you and may your life be filled with peace, love, good health
and abundance.